Advertise and Support Local Restaurants
Local Advertising Program
If you are a local Niagara business and you would like to both get exposure for your business, show your support for local restaurants, and actually inject sales into our local restaurants we have got a great program for you! We have over 6,000 registered customers and a mailing list of over 5,000 individuals and restaurants who love to see content about their favourite restaurants and to support businesses who are supporting local!
There are several ways that we can work together to drive business to our local restaurants ranging from one-time contests for prizes include Dine Niagara Gift Cards to bigger campaigns and events like "Wing Festivals" or "Pizza-Offs". We are here to work with you in whatever ways you can imagine to promote and support Niagara restaurants and we will enable links and banners on our website and app, email blasts, and social engagement to help promote with you.
Work With Us!
If you're interested in advertising with us and supporting Niagara Restaurants, please contact us today! Weeks are available on a first come / first serve basis and we can let you know what the next available week for advertising is.